I like programming. And websites.
Not sure what else to say here. Oh, this webpage is inspired by Windows NT and zutomayo.net.
Some more by the same artist: "JK Bomber", "Inemuri Enseitai", "Samayoi Yoi Ondo", "Inner Heart"
Some more by the same artist: "Robber and Bouquet", "Voice", "The Old Man and the Sea", "Hitchcock"
Some more by the same artist: "Ainikoi", "Tokyo Marble", "Kedamono no Friends", "Yoruninatte"
Some more by the same artist: "Raise Your Hands", "Endroll", "Funk Assembly", "Education"
Some more by the same artist: "Bread and Roses", "Halleluja, I'm a Bum", "The Popular Wobbly", "Solidarity Forever"
My favourite language at the moment is Typescript or maybe Scheme, but I'm pretty familiar with Rust, Python, and obviously HTML/CSS/JS. I also know a bit of Ruby and Solidity.
Most of my projects can be found on my Github or the main page of my website. Check out mingde, which I was inspired to make after finishing this page.
For fun, here are some recreated Window NT programs:
Prussia's Terminal [version 0.4.2]
a joke about copyright here
type 'help' for help
Hey bro! This site doesn't really work in portrait mode. Flip the phone to landscape mode.